竹内 晴美 / 竹内晴美グループ (Harumi Takeuchi) – 河童のあやまり証文/For Sons (Kappa No Ayamari Shoumon / フォー・サンズ) [PDLP-018]
Catalog No. / 型番:PDLP-018 / ddd-329 Release Date / 発売日:2021/04/28 Price / 価格:3900yen(+tax) Buy / 購入する:▶︎ dessinee shop (デシネ・ショップへ)
A0. 河童のあやまり証文 ♪ 試聴 / Listen ♪
A1. 河童のあやまり証文 ♪ 試聴 / Listen ♪
B1. For Sons [フォー・サンズ] ♪ 試聴 / Listen ♪
B2. 星に願いを [When You Wish Upon A Star] ♪ 試聴 / Listen ♪
B3. いつか王子様が [Someday My Prince Will Come] ♪ 試聴 / Listen ♪
B4. Mother’s Dream [マザーズ・ドリーム] ♪ 試聴 / Listen ♪
B5. ラ・ラ・ルー [La-La-Lu] ♪ 試聴 / Listen ♪
いにしえの伝説と母の愛をジャズに乗せ…。浜松を中心に活動した女流ピアニスト/作曲家、竹内晴美が1983年に夫でありベース奏者、また優れた録音技師でもあった竹内俊介などと密かに残した傑作『河童のあやまり証文/For Sons』。和の情緒、スピリッツ、豊かな母性と家族愛を感じさせる国産インディジャズ/プライヴェートプレスの幻の逸品がここに蘇ります。
名ピアニスト/作編曲家、菅野光亮氏に師事し、静岡県浜松市を拠点に活動した女性ピアニスト、竹内晴美。5人の子供の母親であり、ベース奏者、録音技師でもあった竹内俊介の妻でもあり、かの名サックス奏者、宮沢昭氏とも親交のあった彼女の集大成的なスタジオ録音作品が本作『河童のあやまり証文/For Sons』です。
そのタイトル通り、本作は地域の伝説に根ざした長編の大作『河童のあやまり証文』サイドと、愛おしい我が子たちへ贈る『For Sons』サイドの二本立てとなる力作。そのいずれもが竹内 晴美と言う才能と、音楽への情熱に満ちた素晴らしい内容です。前者の「A1. 河童のあやまり証文」は義理の姉でもある日本舞踏家、泉舟紅の創作舞踏のために書かれた楽曲ながら、その美しい郷愁感に満ちた甘美なテーマを軸に、フリージャズの手法を用いつつ仕上げられた15分にも及ぶ大作。まさに和スピリチュアルジャズの名曲と言える1曲です。後者『For Sons』サイドは、優れたオリジナル曲とディズニー映画の主題歌/挿入歌のカヴァーという構成で、軽やかさと粋なフィーリングがマッチした、こちらも素晴らしい仕上がり。アタック感の強いピアノの音色がグルーヴィーなラテンジャズ「B1. For Sons」、一聴で耳に残るメロディラインに非凡さを感じさせるボサジャズ「B4. Mother’s Dream」の2曲の自作曲は竹内晴美の作曲家としての才能、バックを支えるベースの竹内俊介、ドラムの小津昌彦の卓越した演奏が光る感動的な名演です。またお馴染みの「B2. 星に願いを [When You Wish Upon A Star]」、「B3. いつか王子様が [Someday My Prince Will Come]」、「B5. ラ・ラ・ルー [La-La-Lu]」などのカヴァー曲で聴かせる小粋な演奏からは母としての優しさ、家族愛に満ちたフィーリングがしかと伝わり、本作が”ジャズ”というキーワードを超越し、美しいメロディを愛する全てのリスナーに届くであろう潜在的な魅力を合わせ持つことを示しています。
● 世界初復刻/正規再発
● オリジナルのマスターを使用した最新のアナログ盤用リマスター音源を使用。盤は国産プレス=東洋化成社製
● オリジナルに忠実なA式(ティップオン)仕様の見開きジャケットでの復刻/帯/解説付き
● 解説は尾川雄介氏(UNIVERSOUNDS)が担当
● 限定盤ではありません
★ 同時発売のCD『竹内 晴美 / 竹内晴美グループ (Harumi Takeuchi) – 河童のあやまり証文/For Sons (Kappa No Ayamari Shoumon / フォー・サンズ) [PDCD-194]』にはボーナストラック5曲(2曲は未発表+1曲はピアノ演奏=菅野光亮氏)。デシネ・ショップにてお買い求めいただけます。
竹内 晴美 (Harumi Takeuchi):
静岡県浜松市を拠点に活動した女性ピアニスト/作編曲家。映画『砂の器』の音楽で知られる名ピアニスト菅野光亮氏に師事し、5人の子供たちの母親として日々を送る傍ら、精力的な演奏活動を行い地域の音楽文化の普及に功績を残す。1983年に自主制作で残した遠州に残る伝説に根ざした和の情緒とスピリチュアルなフィーリングが融合した傑作『河童のあやまり証文/For Sons』はその音楽性の高さと希少性から知る人ぞ知る和ジャズの名盤として名高い。
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1st ever re-issue of obscure & private Japanese Jazz from 1983. A real gem by unknown Japanese female pianist Harumi Takeuchi and her group. The music is based on Japanese local tradition, including essence of spiritual/free jazz and latin/brazilian feel with true grooves and impressions.
“Kappa No Ayamari Shoumon / For Sons” was recorded in Hamamatsu (Shizuoka prefecture), Japan by female pianist Harumi Takeuchi. She’s not a popular artist in Japanese Jazz scene, as her activities were limited (with her 5 sons) and more focused on to her related local city Hamamatsu area. She learned her piano skills from Mitsuaki Kanno (famous for one of the best JP Jazz/Masterpiece album called “Shisendo No Aki (1973)”, later renamed as “Busho (1976)” and movie sound track called “Suna No Utsuwa (Castle of Sand) (1974)” as well) and recorded only 2 albums (one is live recordings) on her career. “Kappa No Ayamari Shoumon / For Sons” is only one studio album by her and the best one. The album has 2 different sides, former is based on the traditional story in old Hamamatsu area. The song “A1. Kappa No Ayamari Shoumon” (“KAPPA” is a well-known mythological creature (Goblin) from Japan, and the story is based and old contract by ”KAPPA” to local people) is Harumi’s original beautiful semi-free jazz written for creative dance program, with essence of Japanese traditional feel and spiritual jazz mode. Beautiful themes reminds us sweet moments of fabulous 70s “Strata-East” sounds. As the title says, latter is more commercial side and played as “Mother” for her 5 sons. 3 standard cover songs sounds soft and mellow, and they make the album more fancy (A boy on the front cover is one of her son) and calm. However rest of 2 original songs are the real winner on the side. Cool latin jazz “B1. For Sons” has enough groove for dance-floor with solid percussion, and lyrical bossa jazz “B4. Mother’s Dream” has same quality as well.
The album was recorded by her husband (bassist on the album, also he was professional and talented recording engineer) for very limited QTY only for local market at that time. So the album was considered as “VERY OBSCURE & RARE” private gem for long time. Fortunately it has full of both musical & recording qualities by the talented players and engineers. After long time researching and negotiating by Masao MARUYAMA from “production dessinee”, finally this real gem will be OFFICIALLY re-issued in HIGH QUALITY re-mastered sounds from Original Master source.
● 1st ever OFFICIAL re-issue
● Comes with classic Gatefold Tip-On cover with Obi and JP Liner notes
● Remastered Sound for Vinyl from Original Master Source. Remastered at Studio Djoke, Tokyo
● Vinyl Pressed by Toyo Kasei, and all other Materials manufactured in Japan with TOP quality
● Liner notes by Yusuke Ogawa (UNIVERSOUNDS/DEEP JAZZ REALITY)
★ CD Version 『竹内 晴美 / 竹内晴美グループ (Harumi Takeuchi) – 河童のあやまり証文/For Sons (Kappa No Ayamari Shoumon / フォー・サンズ) [PDCD-194]』 [w/ 5 Bonus songs including 2 previously unreleased songs and 1 song ft. Mitsuaki Kanno (Piano) ] also available at dessinee shop.
Harumi Takeuchi :
A female pianist / composer from Hamamatsu City (Shizuoka prefecture, Japan). She studied under Mitsuaki Kanno famous for 70s JP Jazz masterpiece “Shisendo No Aki (1973)” and also well know for the sound track “Suna No Utsuwa (Castle of Sand) (1974)” and she was active on local musical scene in Hamamatsu area while raising 5 sons as mother. She recorded only 2 albums on her career, and one of them called “Kappa No Ayamari Shoumon / For Sons” were considered as real gem on Japanese indie jazz on 1980s by its beautiful and spiritual Japanese taste.
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